Ajay Sharma
Home Designers
Handicraft Exporter and Designer
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Ajay Sharma is a Handicraft Exporter, Entrepreneur, Poet and a great Designer. He is from Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Jodhpur is one of the greatest hub of Handicraft Business. Thousands of Handicraft Items units are exported every year from Jodhpur. Jodhpur Handicraft Items are loved by peoples from many countries like USA, Germany and many more.
He started his journey as a Designer and earned a great knowledge due to his hard work. Many handicraft factories were doing same at that time. He wanted to do something different in his career. He used to think a lot about any creative and unique idea for his venture. He got a tremendous idea at a certain point, “To create a Handicraft from a Scrap”.
He saw a great potential in this idea and took it seriously. He worked on his idea and started his Handicraft Venture “Home Designers”. He started making handicrafts at there from scrap. First, he started from clothing scrap like old jeans, used clothes and many more. He got a warm appreciation for his first craft which gave him a confidence. Later he used many automobile scrap like shaft, rod, wheels, old scooters, engine tank and many more to make handicraft. He made Lamps, Tables, Sofas, Bed and many more items from these scraps.
He wanted to show and export his unique craft to the world. So he started to attend Handicraft Fairs worldwide. He got a great appreciation in all fairs and got many business orders too. He has visited more than 50 countries in the world due to his handicraft business. He has exported his handicraft items to many countries and got a great love and appreciations.
He is doing a one great noble cause too. He saves an environment from the scrap and junk materials. All these scrap metals will melt in factories during recycling and pollute the climate with Air Pollution. Tones of scrap melt every year and produce a massive air pollution which will pollute climate. But he uses these scraps and converts it into a Handicraft Item with a great creativity. His art saves people, climate and earth from air pollution. He was awarded by many government and private organization.
Recently he got a great appreciation for his unique craft in Handicraft Fair at Jodhpur. He made Universe along with stars, sun, satellite and many more with the help of scrap. It was a great piece of creativity and got a great crowd at this dome. He was awarded by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, Rajasthan for his great craft. He imports scrap materials from many cities. Later he will use his mind and creates a great handicraft items for world which will be a great example of beauty and class.
A Glimpse of Jodhpur Handicraft Fair:
Ajay Sharma got Number of Awards for his work:
* 2017 got the award fro Outstanding contribution by Jodhpur Handicrafts Exporter Association
* Best Design n Display award in February 2018 by Export Promotion Council for handicrafts, New Delhi
* Global Entrepreneurship Reorganization Award (GERA) in Conceptual Designs by MSME sector of Rajasthan Government in 2019
* Awarded by Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Gehlot on 10 January 2020 for creating a Planetarium (made up of scrap) in Jodhpur fair.
* Got Award recently on 26th January 2020 by Governor of Rajasthan in Saving Environment Category.

Great going mr ajay… keep on with ur hard work ..
Manny Congratulations Sharma Ji and good luck for further best future performance with
new mile stone 🌹🌹🙏💐💐💐👍👍👍
Manny Congratulations Sharma Ji and good luck for further best future performance with
new mile stone 🌹🌹🙏💐💐💐👍👍👍
Congratulations👍🏼, Ajay Sharma on your Great Achievement. You are the most Creative Person, a great poet. You were the Fisrt person who get a creative idea to “Create a Handicraft from a Srap Items.” followed by many others in the Handicraft Industry. Wish you all the Best for more such great Achievements. 👍🏼👍🏼
Congratulations Ajay Bhai 💐💐👏
nice artcile