Stay calm during turbulent times. – Indra Nooyi
Food services is growth area for PepsiCo. – Indra Nooyi
I’ve been around the bend in corporations. – Indra Nooyi
Remain a lifelong student. Don’t lose that curiosity. – Indra Nooyi
I look at my job as a passion, as a calling..not as a job. – Indra Nooyi
Take a stand. Be known for your courage and confidence. – Indra Nooyi
After PepsiCo, I do want to go to Washington. I want to give back. – Indra Nooyi
Large companies cannot be run by quarters but over longer period of time. – Indra Nooyi
Bring together what is good for business with what is good for the world. – Indra Nooyi
Each and everyone of us has unknowingly played a part in the obesity problem. – Indra Nooyi
I pick up the details that drive the organization insane. But sweating the details is more important than anything else. – Indra Nooyi