Sudhanshu Kumar
Fouder and Chief AI Engineer at iNeuron.ai
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Sudhanshu Kumar is a Founder and Chief AI Engineer at iNeuron.ai, Bengaluru. He is solving real industry problems and offering many new technology courses like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data and many more on very affordable prices at iNeuron.ai, Bengaluru.
iNeuron.ai has two divisions. First is Product Development Division and second is Academic Division. They are serving many clients in India and abroad for different domains in their Product Development Division and offering many courses in Academic Division along with Internship and experience of solving real world business problems in their Product Development Division.
He believes learning is fine but it will be helpful in your career transition too. So he took an advantage of their Product Development Division and gives a chance to students to solve the real world problem. Here students contribute and do practice on real business problems, try to solve them under the guidance of both academics and professional experts. It gives them a complete knowledge of real business world in both academic and practical way.
iNeuron.ai is offering Online Internship program too. It will give a real world scenario and students get a great online platform to learn different courses and solve the problems under their guidance. If a student gets any problem then they can ping them on online platform and they will provide a solution immediately. It will really helpful to get a good experience which will provide a good chance to get a good job in future. iNeuron.ai also provides and suggests jobs to their students. Basically they are helping to transform Digital Business into Intelligent Business. They solve all types of problems like ML, NLP, Vision Problems, Data Insights, and Automation. They have a great experienced team and all are very hardworking and dedicated. All of them have a same passion and vision. He believes to work together and grow together.